Friday, September 18, 2009

Well Hello!

Presumably if you have found you way here it is because you know that I have breast cancer and I have decided to do eat better as one of the ways to fight against it.

I posted a quote on my other blog from "Cooking with Food that Fight Cancer" by R. Beliveau and D. Gingras that goes like this: "Whether in soups, whether stir-fried or steamed, a minimum of three servings of cruciferous vegetables represents one change in dietary habits that will have the most impact on the risk of being touched by cancer".

As posted previously cruciferous vegetables are: "vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, which are members of the cabbage family; they get their name from their four-petaled flowers, which look like a crucifer, or cross. Other cruciferous vegetables include arugula, bok choy, collards, kale, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnip greens, and watercress." (definition from: Howstuffworks.)

I am in Canada right now and trying to start changing my food habits since the MRI did suggest that cancer was starting in the other breast (one breast is already gone), but soon I will be heading back to Africa and there bok choy, broccoli and the likes are not going to be available so I am gathering as many cabbage and cauliflower recipes as I can before I go.

Here is my request: Could you please email your cabbage recipes to:
(easy to remember, right?)
If you get recipes from books it would be great if you could include name of book and authors so they get the recognition they deserve.

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